Shakked Noy

Hi, I’m Shakked! I’m a third-year PhD student in the Economics Department at MIT, interested in behavioral economics, political economy, and labor economics.

On this website, you can find my research and my CV. Below, you can find an abridged list of working papers and publications.

Working Papers

Lost in Transmission (with Thomas Graeber and Chris Roth)
Last updated: July 2024


Experimental Evidence on the Productivity Effects of Generative Artificial Intelligence (with Whitney Zhang)
Science, 2023, 381(6654), p.187-192

The German Model of Industrial Relations: Balancing Flexibility and Collective Action (with Simon Jäger and Benjamin Schoefer)
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2022, 36(4), p.53-80

What Does Codetermination Do? (with Simon Jäger and Benjamin Schoefer)
ILR Review, 2022, 75(4), p.857-890

The Effects of Neighborhood and Workplace Income Comparisons on Subjective Wellbeing (with Isabelle Sin)
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021, 185, p.918-945

Other Research

The Short-Termism of ‘Hard’ Economics (with Ilan Noy)
CESifo Working Paper, 2022
Invited for a volume of essays about longtermism, to be published by Oxford University Press in 2024

Codetermination and Power in the Workplace (with Simon Jäger and Benjamin Schoefer)
Journal of Law and Political Economy, 2022, 3(1)
Special issue for the Economic Policy Institute’s Unequal Power Series

Explaining the Reliability of our Mathematical Beliefs
Philosophy Honors Thesis, 2019